Sunday 23 February 2020

The will of life , Arthur Schopenhauer

The scientists agreed all of them  that the essence of mind is the thought and realization , and they used to say that the human being is a sane animal ( but we must reject this old idea )  this is because realization is just a shallow crust of our mind , and there is  under the conscious mind a conscious or unconscious will ، and this will is very vital and urgent . It may appear that the mind is driving the will ، but it is thus only as evidence that leads its master . We don't want something because we found reasons for it , but we find  reasons for it because we want it . A person is driven by his will , not by his mind . The most stressful thing is trying to persuade people by mental evidences and logical proofs . If  you want to conceive a person , you should address him with the excitement of what he loves and desires . Look at the stupidest person how he turns into a very smart person  when the matter in question is consonant with his desire . Look at people's struggle to secure their food for their wives and children . Could it be that the work of mind ? No , no doubt . The nature produced the mind to serve the will of individual. The personality of human lies in his will , not in his mind , the popular language is true when it prefers the heart over the mind , and it knows that the good will is deeper than the pure mind and more dependent . The genius of mind evokes the administration , but it is impossible to be loved . As all religions promise reward and call for it , for good will and heart , but it does not promise reward for  genius and thought . The automated ingenuity in animals show us how willpower is greater than reason . Look at the elephant that was driven to Europe with hundreds of bridges on his way , how it refused to cross a weak bridge even though he saw many horses and people crossed it . And look at the little dog how it fears jumping off  the table . It does not fear by the mental proof , it fears jumping by instinct . And look at the monkeys as it approaches the fire to get warm , but it is impossible to try to eat this fire . From this it is clear that these actions are invasive , and not a result of logical reasoning . And this matter is repeated with human , that the human is not driven by his mind but by unconscious power pushes him to fight for survival . The ultimate goal of all living species, including human, is reproduction , retention of species and non-existinction . This is the goal of nature  . 

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