Sunday 8 March 2020

Philosophy of life, Arthur Schopenhauer

Look at absurdity of desire and its tendency to acquire material things, as stupid people think that they are able to satisfie their desires by collecting money and wealth, and they impose that the rich man is able to satisfie all of his desires. A person must understand the purposes of life, people tend to collect money a thousand times more than they tend to get culture, though real happiness in getting culture. So the man who is without mental abilities, he doesn't know, how to spend his spare time, so he rushes to satisfie his desires, but to no avail, they are insatiable desires, until boredom defeats him, boredom, the goddess of revenge on riches and lazies. Dominance of mind upon desire enables us to develop, because knowledge modifies desire and reduces its severity. Resorting to deterministic philosophy helps us in reduction and modification of severity of our desires, because inevitable philosophy recognizes that everything is the result of its precedents. Our happiness depends upon the knowledge in our mind and not on the money in our pockets. The happiness of man isn't in how people appreciate him. How people view a person isn't important, because everybody in the end stands alone. Happiness that we derive from ourselves is greater than happiness that we derive from people around us. Aristotle was right when he said " If you want to be happy, you should have self-sufficiency".

Friday 6 March 2020

The world is evil, Arthur Schopenhauer, part 2

When a person is young and he is in the ignorance of young, he thinks that happiness is through struggle and will, this is because he didn't realize the evil of arduous desire and he didn't know that whoever tries to satisfied his desire is like someone who strikes a nail in water or porous water in performed barrel. As the desire is without limits. Also, the young man didn't experience the inevitable defeat. Joy and fun of the youth is due to the fact that we don't see death when we ascend to the mountain hill because death is at the bottom of the other side of the mountain. And when we approach death, everyday passes give us the same feeling as those sentenced to death. Plato was right when he said in his book, The Republic, " It is better to offer the elderly the best reward, because aging frees its owner from its animal passion". However we shouldn't forget that after subsidence of this passion, it takes with it the grain of life and its nucleus and only the hollow shell remains. And life then turns into a farce that started with real actors and finally ends with ghosts that replaced them. And in the end, we face death. Everything he doesn't live only a short period of life and after that it hurries to death, and if death let us to live long, it play with us, just as a cat plays with a mouse. Man is unable to reconcile himself with death, so he puts countless philosophies and religions. The belief in eternity that dominates people is evidence of their fear and dread of death. Just as religion and mythology are a refuge from death, madness is a refuge from pain. Madness is an instrument that man resorts to it to avoid pain and escape from it. We can't overcome our fears only by forgetting them. So madness is the last treatment for pain. The final escape is suicide. What a triumph over will, it is astonishing. But it is an individual triumph, because every suicide is followed by thousands of babies. Nature doesn't pay attention to the individual as long as the species still exists.

Roman history part 10, the second Punic war 6

In the aftermath of capturing Terentum. The city of thory sent to Hanniabl  appealing to him to librate them from the Roman rule. Hannibal s...