Friday 30 September 2022

Roman history part 10, the second Punic war 6

In the aftermath of capturing Terentum. The city of thory sent to Hanniabl  appealing to him to librate them from the Roman rule. Hannibal sent Mago to the city. After a brief battle the city surrenderd to the Carthaginians. Meanwhile, Graccus was in the Lucania. One of the local rulers in Lucania sent mago a message to hand over Graccus to him by offering him to come to the city to negotiate Lucania’s rejoning Rome, then kill him in the process. Mago agreed and the paln succieded, Mago was killed with his troops. Realizing the danger, Rome decided to beseige Kapua and burn all their corps. Hannibal responded by marching to Kapua to lift the seige. Then a battle errupted between the Roman under the command of Marcellus and the Carthaginians under hte command of Hannibal. The battle ended with draw but Hannibal succeded in lifting the siege. A centurian named Apiolla demanded the Roman senate to provide him with an army to fight Hannibal. The Roman senate strangely agreed and provided him with 16000 soldiers to fight Hannibal. But, Hannibal maneged to kill the entire Roman army with only few maneged to flee the massacre. Another battle occured in geronium when Hannibal achieved a great victory killing nearly 18000 Romans. After that, Hannibal marched to the city of Terentium in the south to settle there and rest his army. While in Sercuse there were good news for Rome as the Roman commander, Marcellus maneged to break the resistance there and capture the city after tow years siege. During the city invasion the great greek physicist Archimedes was killed by the Roamn soldiers. 

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