Friday 28 February 2020

The world is evil, Arthur Schopenhauer, part 1

If the world is in fact a will, it must be full of pain and suffering, because the will means desire, and it always asks for more than it got, and when you satisfied a desire, dozens of desires that want to be satisfied. The desire has no end. As long as we are subject to the will, we will not reach happiness. happiness is only an illusion. If a worry is removed from our chest, it is replaced by another. The concerns already existed but they couldn't take their place because there were greater concerns, but when those concerns are removed, they are replaced by these and so on. The Greece philosopher Aristotle said " the wise man does not look for happiness, but rather for freedom from pain. Even a person is freed from pain, he will be bored. And he will begin to look for something that makes up for his feeling bored. Even if the dreams of socialists in building the utopian state are fulfilled, there will remain countless evils. And if we can eliminate all evils, boredom becomes an unbearable burden like pain, so life is like a pendulum swinging forward and backward between pain and boredom. The life is evil and when a person's knowledge increases, his pain increases. So the pain reachs its maximum value in genius. The pain itself is short, a person suffers more from the idea of death than from death itself. And lastly, life is evil because it is war, wherever you go, you find war or fighting for the land or money or dominance. The picture of life is very painful, if we had exposed all kinds of pain, misery and suffering to a person clearly, he would be filled with terror. If we brought an optimist in hospitals, nursing homes and surgical theaters,and if we brought him to prisons where people die of hunger and to the torture rooms and to the slaves sheds, this optimist would know where Dante came from with his hell, he derived it from the real life. But he collided with a problem that he didn't succeed in overcoming, which is the representation of paradise, as this life isn't suitable for being a representation of the paradise. A boy enters the cotton spindle or any other factory when he is five years old, and he remains from that time that he goes to the factory everyday performs the same automatic work to buy the breath of life at the most expensive price. This is the fate of millions of people.  Under the earth's crust, there is a latent power. If it is allowed to leave the earth's interior, it must destroy the earth's crust and all its creatures, as it happened at least three times on this earth. Is not optimism in front of all these pains, disasters and suffering a mockery of human woes. 

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