Friday 24 April 2020

روح الجماعات ، غوستاف لوبون ، الجزء 1

الجماعات بالمعنى المتعارف عليه لفيف من القوم مطلقا و ان اختلفوا جنسا و  عرقت ذكورا او اناثا و على اي نحو اجتمعوا اما في علم النفس فلها معنى اخر  ففي بعض الظروف يتولد في جمع من الناس صفات تخالف كثيرا صفات الافراد المؤلف منها  الجمع حيث تختفي الذات الشاعرة و تتوجه مشاعر جميع الافراد نحو صوب واحد فتتولد من ذلك روح عامة وقتية ولكنها معروفة و واضحة و حينئذ يصير ذلك الجمع من الناس ما اسماه غوستاف لوبون الجماعة المنظمة او الجماعة النفسية . ان اختفاء الذات الشاعرة و توجه الافكار و المشاعر لافراد الجمع نحو غرض واحد و هما الصفتان الاوليان للجماعة ابان انتظامها لا تستلزمان دائما وجود اشخاص عديدين في مكان واحد بل قد تتوفر شروط الجماعة النفسية في الاف الاشخاص وهم متفرقون اذا تاثرت نفوسهم بحادث جلل كفاجعة اصابت الامة و قد تتالف الجماعة من بضعة عشر شخص و قد تصبح الامة كلها جماعة نفسية اذا وقع عليها مؤثر واحد . و متى ما تكونت الجماعة النفسية عرض لها صفات مؤقتة ولكنها ظاهرة يمكن تحديدها . اهم ما تمتاز به الجماعة هو ان افرادها يكتسبون صفات و افكار موحدة تختلف عن صفات كل فرد فيما لو كان منفردا تمام الاختلاف . كما ان الافراد المنضوون لنفس المجموعة يكون عندهم المستوى الفكري لديهم ضحل جدا فالفرق بين عالم رياضيات و صانع الاحذية كالفرق بين السماء و الارض فيما لو كانوا منفردين غير منضووين تحت جماعة و لكن الفرق بينهما في حال كونهما منضووين تحت جماعة يكون ضئيلا للغاية اذا لم نقل معدوما . لذلك يتبين عدم مقدرة الجماعات على الاتيان بالحلول للمسائل التي تحتاج الى تفكير عالي و عقل راجح فالقرارات التي يتخذها جمع من نخب الرجال حول موضوع معين لا تكاد تكون افضل من القرارت التي يأتي بها مجموعه من البله فالغالب على الجماعات هو البلاهة لا الفطنه .ان الفرد الذي يكون ضمن جماعة يكون كالمنوم مغناطيسيا فيقوم بما يلقنه اياه المنوم المغناطيسي فلا يعود لذاته الشاعرة وجود فيترك لنفسه اللاشاعرة الاسترسال بالتحكم به فالمنوم المغناطيسي هنا هو الجماعة , فهذا السبب الذي يجعل الفرد يكتسب صفات جديدة لم تكن موجودة فيه عندما كان منفردا . و ان انتقال الصفات لجميع الافراد يتم عن طريق العدوى النفسية التي يسهل ملاحظتها و لكن يصعب فهمها و تفسيرها و هنا تغيب الذات الشاعرة و تتلاشى الارادة و تتوجه جميع الافكار و المشاعر نحو الغرض الذي رسمه المنوم و هي الجماعة . و من هنا يهبط الفرد درجات من سلم المدنية عندما ينتمي الى الجماعة فقد يكون رجل مثقف مهذب الطباع و الاخلاق و لكنه في الجماعة يكون ساذج ففيه اندفاع الرجل الهمجي و شدته و قسوته و فيه حماسته و شجاعته و فيه سهولة التأثر بالالفاظ و الصور مما لم يكن فيه و هو خارج الجماعة ثم فيه ذلك الانقياد الى ما فيه مناقضة بديهية لطباعه التي اشتهر بها فهو اشبه بحبة الرمال التي تذروها الرياح أنى شائت .

Sunday 8 March 2020

Philosophy of life, Arthur Schopenhauer

Look at absurdity of desire and its tendency to acquire material things, as stupid people think that they are able to satisfie their desires by collecting money and wealth, and they impose that the rich man is able to satisfie all of his desires. A person must understand the purposes of life, people tend to collect money a thousand times more than they tend to get culture, though real happiness in getting culture. So the man who is without mental abilities, he doesn't know, how to spend his spare time, so he rushes to satisfie his desires, but to no avail, they are insatiable desires, until boredom defeats him, boredom, the goddess of revenge on riches and lazies. Dominance of mind upon desire enables us to develop, because knowledge modifies desire and reduces its severity. Resorting to deterministic philosophy helps us in reduction and modification of severity of our desires, because inevitable philosophy recognizes that everything is the result of its precedents. Our happiness depends upon the knowledge in our mind and not on the money in our pockets. The happiness of man isn't in how people appreciate him. How people view a person isn't important, because everybody in the end stands alone. Happiness that we derive from ourselves is greater than happiness that we derive from people around us. Aristotle was right when he said " If you want to be happy, you should have self-sufficiency".

Friday 6 March 2020

The world is evil, Arthur Schopenhauer, part 2

When a person is young and he is in the ignorance of young, he thinks that happiness is through struggle and will, this is because he didn't realize the evil of arduous desire and he didn't know that whoever tries to satisfied his desire is like someone who strikes a nail in water or porous water in performed barrel. As the desire is without limits. Also, the young man didn't experience the inevitable defeat. Joy and fun of the youth is due to the fact that we don't see death when we ascend to the mountain hill because death is at the bottom of the other side of the mountain. And when we approach death, everyday passes give us the same feeling as those sentenced to death. Plato was right when he said in his book, The Republic, " It is better to offer the elderly the best reward, because aging frees its owner from its animal passion". However we shouldn't forget that after subsidence of this passion, it takes with it the grain of life and its nucleus and only the hollow shell remains. And life then turns into a farce that started with real actors and finally ends with ghosts that replaced them. And in the end, we face death. Everything he doesn't live only a short period of life and after that it hurries to death, and if death let us to live long, it play with us, just as a cat plays with a mouse. Man is unable to reconcile himself with death, so he puts countless philosophies and religions. The belief in eternity that dominates people is evidence of their fear and dread of death. Just as religion and mythology are a refuge from death, madness is a refuge from pain. Madness is an instrument that man resorts to it to avoid pain and escape from it. We can't overcome our fears only by forgetting them. So madness is the last treatment for pain. The final escape is suicide. What a triumph over will, it is astonishing. But it is an individual triumph, because every suicide is followed by thousands of babies. Nature doesn't pay attention to the individual as long as the species still exists.

Friday 28 February 2020

The world is evil, Arthur Schopenhauer, part 1

If the world is in fact a will, it must be full of pain and suffering, because the will means desire, and it always asks for more than it got, and when you satisfied a desire, dozens of desires that want to be satisfied. The desire has no end. As long as we are subject to the will, we will not reach happiness. happiness is only an illusion. If a worry is removed from our chest, it is replaced by another. The concerns already existed but they couldn't take their place because there were greater concerns, but when those concerns are removed, they are replaced by these and so on. The Greece philosopher Aristotle said " the wise man does not look for happiness, but rather for freedom from pain. Even a person is freed from pain, he will be bored. And he will begin to look for something that makes up for his feeling bored. Even if the dreams of socialists in building the utopian state are fulfilled, there will remain countless evils. And if we can eliminate all evils, boredom becomes an unbearable burden like pain, so life is like a pendulum swinging forward and backward between pain and boredom. The life is evil and when a person's knowledge increases, his pain increases. So the pain reachs its maximum value in genius. The pain itself is short, a person suffers more from the idea of death than from death itself. And lastly, life is evil because it is war, wherever you go, you find war or fighting for the land or money or dominance. The picture of life is very painful, if we had exposed all kinds of pain, misery and suffering to a person clearly, he would be filled with terror. If we brought an optimist in hospitals, nursing homes and surgical theaters,and if we brought him to prisons where people die of hunger and to the torture rooms and to the slaves sheds, this optimist would know where Dante came from with his hell, he derived it from the real life. But he collided with a problem that he didn't succeed in overcoming, which is the representation of paradise, as this life isn't suitable for being a representation of the paradise. A boy enters the cotton spindle or any other factory when he is five years old, and he remains from that time that he goes to the factory everyday performs the same automatic work to buy the breath of life at the most expensive price. This is the fate of millions of people.  Under the earth's crust, there is a latent power. If it is allowed to leave the earth's interior, it must destroy the earth's crust and all its creatures, as it happened at least three times on this earth. Is not optimism in front of all these pains, disasters and suffering a mockery of human woes. 

Thursday 27 February 2020

The will of reproduction , Arthur Schopenhauer

You can defeat death by reproduction , as every organism hurries to sacrifice himself for reproduction when it reaches puberty , like the spider that is eaten by its female as soon as he fertilized it , and the wasp that devotes his life to offspring will never see him , and human that carries heavy burden to feed his children , to wear them , to teach them and to educate them since the offspring is the ultimate purpose of every being , and the reproduction is the most powerful instinct and the only way to allow the will to defeat death . And the will to ensure defeating of death, it decided not to place the will of reproduction under the control of mind, so even philosophers reproduced and gave birth to children. The will shows itself in reproduction independent of knowledge. And it works in a blind way, so the reproductive organs are considered the center of will while the center of knowledge is brain. The reproductive organs are the foundation of life because they ensure endless life, for that Hindus and Greece worshiped it. It is the central point for all acts and behaviors. It is stronger than all the veils and masks that are thrown at it. It is the cause of war and the purpose of peace. We see her sitting on her throne in the perfection of her power ، look at us from her highness with scorn, sarcasm and laughter at restrictions that people hold to restrict, suppress and imprison her. Love is nothing but a trick prepared by nature to fulfill its purposes. So, marriage is considered a system for keeping species and all the problems of marriage are caused by thinking that marriage is a way to get pleasure. An individual is only a tool used by species for survival. Nature doesn't care about the individual as long as the species persist. The important thing for nature is survival of species, so it doesn't care about the fate of the individual. Therefore, once a person ends his job, which is reproduction, his physical and reproductive powers begin to subside and debilitate. Also, debilitation of genital force is a sign of death. That appears very clearly in the vermin and insects so, once these insects perform their sexual job they begin to hurry to death. Also abstention of insects from procreation prolongs its life. So, thus the succession of death and birth represents the heartbeat for the species. We see in the light of above a new inevitable meaning of determinism, as spinoza said " lf a stone was thrown in the air had a realization, it would think that it was moving at its will. But the free will is only an illusion in the stone and in the human. The human thinks that he possesses a free will and thinks he is able to begin a new direction in the life and become another person but the experiment leads him to admit that he isn't free and he is subject to the rule of necessity. And he can't change his behavior, despite his resolve, and he must have the same morals that he try to change it, and he have to play the role that assigned to him to the end.

Sunday 23 February 2020

The will of life , Arthur Schopenhauer

The scientists agreed all of them  that the essence of mind is the thought and realization , and they used to say that the human being is a sane animal ( but we must reject this old idea )  this is because realization is just a shallow crust of our mind , and there is  under the conscious mind a conscious or unconscious will ، and this will is very vital and urgent . It may appear that the mind is driving the will ، but it is thus only as evidence that leads its master . We don't want something because we found reasons for it , but we find  reasons for it because we want it . A person is driven by his will , not by his mind . The most stressful thing is trying to persuade people by mental evidences and logical proofs . If  you want to conceive a person , you should address him with the excitement of what he loves and desires . Look at the stupidest person how he turns into a very smart person  when the matter in question is consonant with his desire . Look at people's struggle to secure their food for their wives and children . Could it be that the work of mind ? No , no doubt . The nature produced the mind to serve the will of individual. The personality of human lies in his will , not in his mind , the popular language is true when it prefers the heart over the mind , and it knows that the good will is deeper than the pure mind and more dependent . The genius of mind evokes the administration , but it is impossible to be loved . As all religions promise reward and call for it , for good will and heart , but it does not promise reward for  genius and thought . The automated ingenuity in animals show us how willpower is greater than reason . Look at the elephant that was driven to Europe with hundreds of bridges on his way , how it refused to cross a weak bridge even though he saw many horses and people crossed it . And look at the little dog how it fears jumping off  the table . It does not fear by the mental proof , it fears jumping by instinct . And look at the monkeys as it approaches the fire to get warm , but it is impossible to try to eat this fire . From this it is clear that these actions are invasive , and not a result of logical reasoning . And this matter is repeated with human , that the human is not driven by his mind but by unconscious power pushes him to fight for survival . The ultimate goal of all living species, including human, is reproduction , retention of species and non-existinction . This is the goal of nature  . 

Tuesday 31 December 2019

الكوانتم ميكانيك الجزء 1

بعد نجاح نظريات الفيزياء الكلاسيكية و خاصة نظرية نيوتن  (1727-1643) في الجاذبية ( theory of gravity) أدى هذا النجاح ببعض العلماء اشهرهم العالم الفرنسي ماركيز لابلاس (1827-1749) ليعتقد بأن الكون يجري على قوانين حتمية تماما و هذا ما يسمى بمذهب الحتمية (determinisim) ، حيث اعتقد لابلاس أن هنالك مجموعة من القوانين العلمية التي تحكم العالم و التي تتيح لنا بالتنبأ بكل شئ يمكن أن يحدث في الكون و ذلك بحساب ما يسمى بالعوامل الابتدائية (  initial condition ) كالموقع و السرعة ، خذ على سبيل المثال ، اذا حسبنا موقع و سرعة الشمس و الكواكب فيمكننا باستخدام قوانين نيوتن ان نتنبأ بحالة النظام الشمسي عند أي وقت في الزمان . فيمكن مثلا حساب الخسوف و الكسوف و التنبأ بحدوثه لسنين عديدة قادمة بالاعتماد على قوانين نيوتن ، و لكن لابلاس العالم الفرنسي لم يقتصر على الشمس و الكواكب و ما يحيطنا من مادة بل طبق مبدأ الحتمية (determinisim) على سلوك الانسان ايضا!! ، فهل يمكن للعلماء حساب ماذا سوف تكون افعالنا نحن البشر في المستقبل ؟ إن مبدأ الحتمية قد جوبه بالمقاومة الشديدة من قبل العديد من الناس أولئك الذين شعروا بأن قانون الحتمية يتعارض و يتصادم مع حرية الرب و قدرته على التحكم بالمستقبل و تسييره الى حيث يشاء هو .
و لكن ظل هذا المبدأ أي مبدأ الحتمية هو السائد في العلم حتى مطلع القرن العشرين ، إن أول الاكتشافات التي هزت أسس مبدأ الحتمية هو عندما قام العالم الانكليزي لورد ريلي (1919-1842) و السير جيمس جينز (1946-1877) كمية إشعاع الجسم الاسود ، فحسب قوانين الفيزياء الكلاسيكية فإن الجسم الأسود يجب أن يشع اشعة كهرومغناطيسية متساوية عند كل الترددات فإذا كان هذا صحيحا فيجب أن يشع الجسم الأسود كمية متساوية من الطاقة عند كل الوان - و الألوان هي ترددات - الطيف المرئي (visible light ) و كل ترددات المايكروويف ، راديوويف ، الأشعة السينية ... الخ . و هذا يعني ان الجسم الاسود يجب أن يشع نفس الكمية من الطاقة لجميع الترددات بين الصفر و المليون و كذلك بين المليون و المليونين و المليونين و الثلاثة ملايين و هكذا الى ما لا نهاية و هذا معناه أن كمية الطاقة المنبعثة من الجسم الاسود لا نهائية و هذا مستحيل رياضيا . و لأجتناب هذه النتيجة اللامعقولة قام العالم الالماني ماكس بلانك (1947-1858) الذي اقترح عام 1900 أن أشعة الضوء و الأشعة السينية و الموجات الكهرومغناطيسية الأخرى تبعث على شكل كمية محددة من الطاقة أو ما تسمى بالكمات  (quanta) و بذلك تكون كمية الطاقة المنبعثة معتمدة على التردد 
على حسب المعادلة الاتية E=hf , حيث  E تعني الطاقة و h  ثابت بلانك و  f تعني التردد فمثلا ، لما كان تردد اللون البنفسجي هو ضعف تردد اللون الأحمر تكون طاقة اللون البنفسجي ضعف طاقة اللون الأحمر بالاعتماد على المعادلة سالفة الذكر .

Roman history part 10, the second Punic war 6

In the aftermath of capturing Terentum. The city of thory sent to Hanniabl  appealing to him to librate them from the Roman rule. Hannibal s...